Aug 4, 2011

One of those satisying weekends! - Saturday

I had a satisfying evening. All those shrill voices that often pronounce that the world is heading to the bin and life is becoming routinely crazy and crazily routine took a break. The more dominant voices this evening were those of the good kind - that there is still plenty of goodness here, men can be trusted and mankind admired.

I went to Kovalam beach, the drive along the East Coast Road was pleasant and the company engaging. I went with two guys, both interested in photography. So when we reached the beach, they started shooting pictures, it was a bit over my head but they explained the basics of that complex camera thing and I could soon get along. They were pretty much involved in taking pictures and it was a nice leisurely activity. I posed for them a bit, then came a beautiful sunset and it relieved me of the posing duty, though I did like the guys taking pictures of me eagerly and didn't want it to end all that soon :) Then we drove back, had dinner on the way before reaching home.

Well, a simple evening, some genuine conversation, friends who were really interested in what they were doing - overall a pretty good time. Evenings like this really give you that much required leisure and a time to be laid back, get into that tranquil mode, feel good about the world and recharge yourself. I was lucky too, a cheerful waiter, playful kids, caring parents and happy couples made the scenery more gratifying while some rude waiter or a rash driver would've spoiled the evening. These are the moments when you realise how little sweet acts can go a long way in smoothening your ruffled mind and guide you into that Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam and Ubuntu mode embracing all humanity with good temper and a glad heart.

These evenings make you wonder if a good life has to necessarily be a rather quiet life, for it is in times of leisure and beauty that you really find the mood to be all that you mean to be - good, kind, tolerant, humorous and in the flow. And these evenings are much more enjoyable after long work hours as it heightens the contrast and so enhances its preciousness, just as an extremely thirsty man would savour a chill drink of Nimbooz more than a normal guy.

End of the day, I felt at ease and was wondering why everything in the world isn't nice and easy? I think this nursery rhyme sums up what I felt quite well.

"A wise old Owl sat on an oak;
The more he saw the less he spoke;
The less he spoke the more he heard;
Why aren't we all like that wise old bird?"

That was it, altogether. Wanted to keep the post simple, just as the evening was, earnest and without decorations.

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