Feb 21, 2016


Have I taken writing seriously enough to cultivate a bit of doggedness, I wonder? To keep at it consistently I would need a certain amount of grim determination to go with the interest and intention.

Our team had a cricket match with senior colleagues today. A pleasant time of the year for outdoor sports. There was an easy relationship without much fuss or hierarchical control. The game went well though we lost. The driver was in a hurry to drop us and head off home. It was an hour's drive from the cricket ground, he drove skilfully but there were a couple of close calls. And of course there were children begging at a few signals. When we reached our institute, he said to us 'Sir, sign this, let me go home also. I reported at 6 a.m. today.' It's like that song. 'Them that's got shall have, them that's not shall lose.'

After the match, I had a long nap in the room. When I got up the pleasant afternoon had given way to a dull evening. I had a sore back and a mild headache. But a hot shower and a sushi dinner fixed that. Would now hit the Oscars list again. 'The Big Short' today. A heavenly weekend. 'God bless the child that's got his own'.   

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