Oct 13, 2009

General notes and disclaimers

1. When I say things like 'honesty is the best policy' or 'life is worthless', I mean it as only my opinion. I don't include phrases like 'I feel', or 'according to me', just to keep the sentence crisp and to avoid redundancy.

2. When you find lines like 'man is a social animal' or 'a person makes a choice and he pays for it', it means 'human beings are social animals' and when a 'person chooses, he/she pays for it'.
Note: I'm not sexually biased or male chauvinistic, I follow this because of convention. Personal apologies to feminists.

3. The intention of my posts is not to bring someone round to my way of thinking but to just put my point across. I'm open to ideas and discussions and even the strongest of my ideas or theories can be dismantled and scrutinized.

4. I may consciously or unconsciously borrow some ideas from other sources like books or films. I've tried to put references whenever possible. But since this is not a professionally edited blog, I apologise if my ideas unintentionally seem to overlap with anyone else's. I don't believe that 'creativity is to know how to hide your sources'. I think creativity lies in forming our own interpretations of what we read. I believe strongly in crediting others when I borrow their ideas. So don't sue this blog for plagiarism!! :)

1. always around to get my feet back on the ground (on having an i-pod) - westlife song - 'seasons in the sun'
2. roller coaster, merry go round - comparison (on having an i-pod) - idea from movie 'Parenthood'.
3. pass the parcel - idea from the movie - 'History boys'
4. there is just so much beauty around, my heart just caves in and I feel I can't take it anymore. (Why words and beauty) - movie, American beauty.

more to be added...

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