Jun 17, 2017

An extra second of tickling!

There was a good conversation yesterday afternoon. A healthy exchange of information and ideas. And I felt there was also some shared goodwill. How did this particular conversation get that flavour? Before the conversation took place I had been deliberately silent for at least two hours. Something from those hours extended to the conversation. the silence out me in a mindset where I could wait and watch. During dialogues, it gives that extra second to pause and reflect. To really listen. And perhaps ask clarifying questions or collect my thoughts on the topic. Instantly, the process itself is more genuine, the words that come out are meant by the person speaking them. That pause of one second. It also quality checks our statements. Am I saying what I am about to say for self aggrandizement? Is it true? Is it a standard rehearsed reply? That helps. Can't underestimate that extra second.

Every conversation hinges heavily on the way it begins. The first greetings are important. More than wit or smartness, affection/respect helps set the right tone. After the initial greeting and pleasantries, it then boils down to listening and observing. Noting down interesting points helps. And keeping 'to do' lists are also very helpful. To get on with life, 'to do' list is the only management tool necessary. When you look at it that way, life seems to be one long 'to do' list. Of course, the aesthetics of living is for self consumption. It tickles you everyday in myriad ways.

At night, there was a compromise. that gave a way forward. Being true to ourselves, as far as our understanding allows us to be, helps us during tricky times. And relationships are strong when one doesn't bluff the other. So 'I don't bluff you, you don't bluff me' works pretty well, especially in tough situations. It adds a certain grace to the occasion. Activates the humour compartment and lends levity to the surroundings. With all these elements, truth can be addressed and the situation can be handled. So you tackle it and then life tickles you and then it is a tango of tickle-tackle, tickle-tackle.

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