Nov 9, 2011

Exams end, but questions remain.

Why do I want to become a civil servant? The Mains exam this time is over and the results notwithstanding, I have made up my mind that this is what I want. To become a civil servant. Why?

- Social anger. Every time I board a train, buy a ticket or watch a cinema, I find so many things that disturb me. The sea of humanity that I see in electric trains everyday look like they're standing in a queue to file out petitions asking for help. Poverty, disease, disability, unemployment! So you feel like you want to help. How? Volunteer, agitate, through activism and all that. It requires far too much effort, will power and grit and the effect is far too minimal. The best way to contribute is through effective policies and its efficient implementation. Being a civil servant gives you that scope.

- Another reason - all other things are taken care of. You have a respectable, stable job, your parents are happy, there is decent money to be made (scrupulously), the job is interesting, you are exposed to a lot of avenues for self-improvement. And the chief thing, studying for it is a pleasure. As much as I complain and dramatise about the studying experience, I know in my heart that I'd rather study more than 12 hours a day for civil services than slog in a corporate job for 9 hours. The portions, questions and the whole process is damn enjoyable. And of course there is the uncertainty factor - you may get in or you may not. That provides the extra spice to the whole dish.

That's that then. I'm working to become a bloody bureaucrat.

1 comment:

manoj said...

Ha ha ha... me too machi..... ;)